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Healthy living tips to lead a long and happy life
Healthy living tips to lead a long and happy life. Good health means long life . Nowadays we all have busy life we all are working very hard for our-self and our families. Everybody has big questions in their mind about how we care for our physical, mental, and emotional health. this time is very expensive but we should not compromise with our health
The answer to this question is here. First Change your lifestyle. By changing your lifestyle many things can change. first, commit to yourself. I will sleep at night around 9 pm and wake up morning at 5 am .8 hours of sleep is a must for my body. Set up the alarm first.
before sleep pray to god must and after wake up also. After waking up do exercises aerobics or yoga. Do jogging.
Exercise is also great for managing stress, as it releases endorphins that can lift your mood. after that sit for meditation this help make our mind healthy. Try to meditate for a few minutes each day if you have more time give one hour daily to meditation, focusing on your breath and clearing your mind. for meditation.I follow self realization fellowship meditation tech .
Journaling can also help you to release any pent-up negative feelings and get in touch with your internal world.
Finally, make sure to take time for yourself and practice self-care.Prioritize activities that make you happy and bring joy into your life.A healthy lifestyle includes making healthy food choices, Eat healthy food and enjoy your life. vegetables and fruit both give us very good energy . non veg also but I recommend only veg. Choice is yours. Stop using fine flour .
Fine Flour is very bad for our body . you should know what you eat Is It good for your health or not . Here also choice is yours. See timing 8 am morning take heavy breakfast with fruits
and 1 pm or 2 pm light in lunch. 7 pm or 8 pm around more light in dinner please don't eat to much . I repeat again
Exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a positive outlook on life.
Good physical health involves keeping your body active and nourished,
getting regular check-ups with your doctor, and managing any chronic health conditions.
Mental health is also important and includes managing stress,
developing positive and supportive relationships, and engaging in meaningful activities.One more thing to do join the company of good people and friends having good happy and make other happy .we all need our self happy & stress-free and make other also happy .when you make other happy you feel very good from inside .
see here more useful tips